confession time – I’m going pro!

So it’s confession time – today’s post is not so much about interior decorating as it is about my drive behind the desire to do so.

Over the last year or so I’ve been torn as to whether to take the plunge and start a business or get more interior decorating training. I’ve had this lingering feeling that I’m just not qualified to do what I truly have a passion for because I don’t have some sort of certificate or anything. This past fall, before I started this blog, I decided to take  a major step of faith towards the ‘going for it and starting a business’ side of the equation.

I enrolled in the early bird signup period to Marie Forleo’s BSchool (B as in Business)!

I wasn’t sure at the time if I was just going to take it to learn some marketing skills and then still wait to start my business until I got more qualifications in decorating or if I was just going to press forward and start my business anyway.

I decided on the latter. And here’s why…

“The Key to Success is to Start Before You are Ready”
~ Marie Forleo

BSchool starts on March 10th and I am beyond thrilled to be enrolled this year. And I will be moving forward with setting up my business.

Now I’m not gonna leave you hanging without any interior inspiration…

This Sunday I decided to get my little office space all spiffed up so that as I go through the course I am motivated to keep going and stay focused on my goals. Want a peek?

desk setup

My desk used to be in the living room and it just collected paperwork – I never got the umph to get off the couch and work on my laptop there. Now it is in my bedroom and I am sitting here as we speak blogging away.

And yes – that is a door. But one that leads directly from our bedroom into the shared main hallway to the whole house. Essentially, we don’t use it because who wants to have a door open to your bedroom that other tenants can look in? Instead it has become a sort of vision board to encourage me with beautiful interiors and personal declarations.

A lot of this way of thinking came from the decision to go pro. That means not just doing this as a hobby when I feel like it, but  actually committing to it like its my job. Because soon it will be! If you would like to know more about what it means to go pro check out this video where Marie interviews author Steven Pressfield.

What this means for you and this blog is that, yes I will be continuing to blog while I go through the program, and don’t worry I will keep it focused on all things interior styling. But, in a few months I will be launching a brand new site chock full of some awesome goodies that I want to share with you.

I have been truly grateful to everyone who reads this blog and has taken some time with me on this journey!

And now its time for some discussion…

How will you update your workspace to make it a more inspiring place to create in (regardless if it is at home, in a cubicle, on your parents couch, or in a studio)?

I’d love to hear 1 thing you can change right now to that space.

Finally, if you liked this post I’d so appreciate it if you shared it with a friend who is going pro in their life.



5 thoughts on “confession time – I’m going pro!

  1. Congrats on the BSchool decision, Jessica!!! Marie Forleo provides so much value in her free content that I can’t even begin to imagine what awaits you in her members-only stuff : ) Keep us posted, please!

    What you wrote at the beginning of this post is quite true:

    Over the last year or so I’ve been torn as to whether to take the plunge and ___fill in own goal___. I’ve had this lingering feeling that I’m just not qualified to do what I truly have a passion for because I don’t ____fill in own problem_____.

    That’s exactly how I feel about certain things too. It’s hard to overcome that self-doubt even when you know you ARE good at a particular thing. And one of the hardest things to track is progress- how do you know when you’re getting better? How do you track progress with your pursuit of all-things-interior-styling? Can you look back at your old posts and tell you’ve improved (against your old self)? Or is it more subtle than that?

    One last thing- the fact that you’ve chosen a doorway to display your goals…. could we call it a door into the future? Or a door to success? ; )


    • Thanks Katherine! I have been following Marie for at least 3 years and am beyond thrilled to finally be doing BSchool.

      I’m glad that I was able to inspire you to reflect on your own hurdles. For me it does feel more subtle than just looking back at old posts, its really about just stepping forward with things and feeling my confidence build as I do so. I’m sure if I look back a year from now I’ll be able to see my progress even clearer.

      Its also by learning from my mistakes. Taking steps then reflecting on how I could have done it better.

      On your final note – WOW – I hadn’t thought of that. My inspiration board is an actual door. I can almost see myself walking ‘through it’ into the vision I have for my life.

      Thank you for your insight and I will definitely keep everyone posted on my progress as I begin the course.

      Have a lovely weekend!


  2. Hi Jessica, Congratulations on taking that big step and I wish you all the best with your course. I look forward to reading more about it in time. You’re gonna do great! All the best, Doris

  3. Pingback: how to instantly freshen up any room | graceful haven

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